IFCA Constitution & By Laws
Adopted September 1970
Amended 1981, 1982, 1990, 1993, 1998, and 2018
Article 1: Name
This organization shall be known as the Indian Fantail Club of America, referred to hereafter as the IFCA.
Article 2: Purpose
To promote the breeding, exhibition and improvement of the Indian Fantail pigeon; to assist the novice breeder in gaining knowledge of the breed; to encourage attendance and support of all IFCA shows; to set forth one ideal Standard of Perfection throughout the world and to promote good fellowship among members.
Article 3: Membership
Section A: Qualifications & Requirements
The membership shall consist of breeders, exhibitors and interested parties with a mutual attraction to the Indian Fantail pigeon and an interest in the welfare of the IFCA organization.
- Honorary Member: An adult, whose contributions and/or interest in the breed and the IFCA is judged by unanimous vote of the Board of Directors, to be of substantial and worthy recognition, and who may or may not now be breeding Indian Fantails.
Section B: Application for Membership
Any person, regardless of age, race, creed, color, sex, country, or origin of residence, who is presumed honest and subscribes to the purpose of the organization, is eligible for membership.
Section C: Rights & Responsibilities
- Applicants for membership shall be accepted only upon payment of annual dues to the Secretary/Treasurer, after which he, she, or they will be furnished a membership card, a copy of the IFCA Standard, a copy of the IFCA Constitution & By Laws, the IFCA Awards Program and regular issues of the IFCA Newsletter, with all rights stated herein, applicable to membership.
- Members are expected to make an effort to show at IFCA sponsored meets, to exercise their voting rights and to support this Constitution.
- Voting privileges and dues are covered under Article 7.
- Any member may be removed from the membership if found dishonest, antagonistic towards the club and detrimental to the club’s well being. Or falling behind in dues, as outlined herein. Any punitive action toward a club member will be handled by the President, as outlined in Articles 4 / Section B, and 16.
Article 4: Officers
Section A: Titles
Officers shall consist of a President, Secretary/Treasurer and District Directors (one from each district as established with exception to Co-Directors mentioned in Article 5, Section D 2). Note: The President will also appoint positions of a Newsletter Editor, Publicity Director, Awards Chairperson and any other functionary position deemed necessary by the President or Board of Directors. The Newsletter Editor, Publicity Director and Awards Chairperson, although critical to the welfare of the IFCA are not ‘ ‘Officer” or “Board” positions.
Section B: Tenure
All officers are to be elected for a period of two years and/or until a successor is named (assuming compliance with the membership provisions of Article 3, Section A.). There shall be no other provision excluding an officer from succeeding himself/herself or limiting the number of terms of office.
Any elected or appointed official or committee member, if not performing the agreed duty, or for any reason of dereliction, or actions not deemed beneficial to the IFCA, after sufficient warning and encouragement, at the discretion of the Board, will be removed from his/her position, per Article 16. A replacement will then be appointed by the Board to fill the remaining term or period of the vacated individual.
Section C: Board of Directors
The Board of Directors is made up of: The President, immediate past President, Vice President, Secretary/ Treasurer, all District Directors and Co- Directors.
Section D: Nomination, Election of Officers And General Voting Procedures
Definition of terms: Majority means a simple majority of one or more votes; 2/3 majority means a 66% majority of those votes cast; if a 66% majority (of the votes cast) is not there, the item does not pass.
- Nominations shall be submitted in writing to the Secretary/Treasurer or a member of the Nominating Committee and/or Election Committee (if in existence), by an active member, before August 31 of the election year. Nominations and voting are to be on even numbered years.
- Each nominee’s name will be published in the November IFCA Newsletter, as a ballot, for membership vote. District Directors are nominated and voted on the respective district members only. All officer positions and District Directors are elected by a majority vote. After the voting date, the following IFCA Newsletter will announce the outcome, by name and percentage of vote for each winner, this will be sent by mail to all members who are in good standing at that time.
- The President with consent and approval of a majority of the Board of Directors may appoint interim or temporary officers (filling vacancies created by incapacity, resignation or dereliction of duty).
- General voting procedures for all club business and issues are to be carried out in an orderly manner following the guidelines referenced above and in Article 6. To wit: each issue to be voted on follows the IFCA chain of command for approvals, is aired twice in the Newsletter, then voted upon. Only changes to this Constitution or the Standard require a 2/3 majority; all other issues are decided by a majority vote.
Article 5: Duties of Officers
Section A
The President shall preside over meetings of the organization, shall uphold the Constitution & By Laws, shall have a final voice in matters of interpretation or dispute regarding the Constitution & By Laws. He/she will have one vote on the Board of Directors and shall preside over this body. He/she will have full authority to appoint the Newsletter Editor and other functionary titles, as deemed necessary to the wellbeing of the IFCA, as well as chairpersons to committees. He/she shall take an active part in leadership of projects deemed of interest to the IFCA, seeking the advice and consent of the majority of the Board of Directors.
Section B
The Vice President shall preside over meetings in the absence of the President. The Vice President will assist in any way deemed helpful by the President. He/she will have one vote on the Board of Directors. If, for any reason, the President is unable to complete his/her term, the Vice President shall immediately, temporarily, assume the presidential duties; the Vice President will immediately call for an election of a new President.
Section C
The Secretary/ Treasurer shall preside in the absence of the President and Vice President. He/she has one vote on the Board of Directors; shall conduct the official correspondence and maintain a file of historical and financial data relevant to the growth of the IFCA.
- Shall maintain a roster of the membership. Including addresses, and will provide that list by June 1 to the Newsletter Editor for annual publication in the Summer Newsletter by July 10. Any new members joining after this publication in subsequent newsletters.
- Furnish membership cards and up to date copy of the written Standard, Indian Fantail Drawing, the Constitution & By Laws, and the IFCA Awards Program, according to membership compliance with Article3, Section C.
- In the absence of a duly authorized Nomination or Election Committee, he/she shall act as Official Election Officer. This duty involves, but is not limited to:
- Seeking nomination for all offices, awards, honors, etc.
- Gaining the acceptance for nominees for office.
- The preparation and mailing of ballots to each member.
- Counting the ballot returns, announcing the results; to include any changes resulting from amendments to the Constitution & By Laws or Standard.
- Have custody of all funds, receive all money (dues, band sales, donations) and keep accurate record of same. Will pay bills for the organization, upon authorization by the President or Chairperson of the Finance Committee (if one appointed), to include postage, stationery and any other expenses not mentioned herein. Will order from the National Pigeon Association (NPA) the official bands for the club and will send these out to each ordering member so they are received by January 1 of the band year.
Section D
- District Directors shall actively serve their respective districts and act as the official spokespersons of their districts as members of the board of directors and shall have one vote on the board of directors.
- Co-directors: Two members from the same district may run for the office of district director and serve as co-directors within their residing district. Where two members are running for elected office (co-directors) there shall be a primary and secondary director and will run for office as such. As co-directors they will share all responsibilities and duties, but as individuals they will EACH, have and receive all rights and privileges as laid out in this constitution (and all other official documents of the IFCA) as a district director. Except Co-directors will have only one vote (NOT ONE EACH) on the board of directors. In the event the co-directors cannot agree on any matters, decisions or votes that need to be made on behalf of their respective district, after exhausting all reasonable avenues to reach an agreement, the primary co-director will be responsible for any and all final decisions.
- Shall be responsible for directing and coordinating all IFCA activities within their districts, to include ensuring and promoting at least one sanctioned show in their district per year (preferably two or more) and the coordination of same. To ensure district show reports are complete and submitted (See Article 12). To further include submitting articles of district activities and to bring district issues to the attention of the board and generally be in touch with the district membership.
- When appointing show clerks/secretaries, the district director/co-directors must ensure the appointed individual has all necessary paperwork to accomplish the task.
- If an elected or appointed judge is unable to perform his/her duties (“to judge”), for whatever reason, the district director, or one of the co-directors, must either immediately find a replacement or disqualify and withdraw his/her own birds and judge the show himself/herself.
- Shall have full authority to decide local, district issues affecting the organization which are not specifically covered by the Constitution & By Laws or Standard.
- Where desirable he/she may appoint an Assistant to aid in promoting the activities of the district, the breed and the club (this Assistant may be any adult member or junior member). The Assistant position does not have a vote on the Board of Directors.
Section E
Publicity Director has primary responsibility for the development (and coordination, if needed) of any and all promotional activities of the organization that will promote the IFCA and the Indian Fantail as a breed to the outside fancy and community at large. This is to include articles, advertisements and recognition of worthy members. If an IFCA Master Breeder Awards Program Chairperson has not been appointed, at the request of the President, the Publicity Director may assume this responsibility.
Section F
The Newsletter Editor will prepare and mail to the membership a quarterly newsletter devoted to current events of the IFCA, articles, messages and reports from the officers, committees and individual members. It will include voting results, show dates, show results, membership roster (in the Summer issue) and other interests of the club. The Editor has the “editing” responsibility to keep the publication non-slanderous and of good intent.
Section G
(Awards Chairperson: See Article 13)
Article 6: Amendments
Issues of matters contained in or pertaining to the Constitution & By Laws, or the official IFCA Standard (both print and the “true-type” drawing) may be amended at any time, by a 2/3 majority vote of the general membership votes cast, after compliance with the following:
Section A
A proposed change, signed by two members not of the same household, is furnished to a District Director for his/her consideration.
Section B
The District Director/Co-Directors has/have the option to either approve or disapprove the proposed change(s), after discussion with the submitter(s); the District Director/Co-Directors then marks either “approved” or “disapproved” on the document. It is then sent to the President for his/her review. On a “disapproved” proposal, the President has the option to discuss “why” and if the President disagrees, will take it up with the District Director. (If it pertains to the Constitution & By Laws, the President will involve the Constitution & By Laws Committee: If it pertains to the Standard, written or “true-type” drawing, the President will involve the Standards Committee…with either committee, the involvement would be only for discussion or clarification; neither Committee may vote down nor approve the suggested changes; only the membership may do this). If the Board chooses to proceed with the proposal, it will then be submitted and aired in the IFCA Newsletter for two successive issues, promptly followed by a mail ballot/vote usually in the IFCA Newsletter, but not limited to that.
Section C
Changes resulting from amendments will become effective the 1st day of the month following dictates of the vote.
Article 7: Dues
Section A
Membership dues are to sustain the activities of the IFCA, to include shows, newsletters and other needs of the club. Memberships are available for Adults (18 or over, one vote); Family (two votes if both are Adults); and Junior (under 18, no voting privilege). The Board of Directors, as needed, will determine the annual membership dues amount. Dues are payable January 1st of the membership year. Any membership paid before October of a given year will be due again on the following January. Any membership paid after October 1st of a given year will qualify as a paid membership throughout the following year.
Section B
Junior Member is defined as anyone under 18 years of age on January 1st of the membership year. A junior membership does not provide voting privileges.
Article 8: Districts
Geographic areas comprising seven districts are as follows:
District 1
District 2
District 3
District 4
District 5
District 6
District 7
Article 9: The Standard
In accordance with Article 2, Purpose of the Constitution, the IFCA shall set forth a Standard, which will include a discussion of colors, markings of the breed and a description of the ideal Indian Fantail. The Standard will be reviewed no less than once every ten years, for purposes of ensuring its timeliness in accordance with the development of the breed and desires of the membership. It need not be changed, merely reviewed; however, it may be amended at any time, in accordance with Article 6.
Article 10: Bands
In order to achieve Master Breeder Points, all birds winning said points must carry a seamless, recognized, official Indian Fantail band size, or any past official IFCA band size that is smaller than the current year’s band. Bands may be manufactured by various companies. The particular band size must be voted on by the membership in accordance with Article 4, Section D, Paragraph 4…controlled by a simple majority. The IFCA band price is discussed by and determined by the Board of Directors announced via the Newsletter.
Article 11: Judges
In accordance with Article 2, to promote the breeding, exhibition and improvement of the Indian Fantail, all IFCA Sanctioned shows are to be judged by an IFCA Certified Judge. A judging Committee will develop appropriate criteria to qualify and retain knowledgeable, good, instructive and fair judges.
Article 12: IFCA Sanctioned Meets
In accordance with Article 2, to promote the breeding, exhibition and improvement of the Indian Fantail, all IFCA Sanctioned shows will be conducted and judged in the manner and order outlined by the standard operating procedures developed by the IFCA Show Committee. This is to provide consistency throughout the club as to how our birds are judged, one against the other in classes and to provide a foundation to ensure future shows run smoothly, effectively and with consistency. IFCA Show Records will be kept at each show, signed by the judge and turned in to the Awards Chairperson, Secretary/ Treasurer, for recording and files, and a copy to the Newsletter Editor (for publication).
Article 13: Awards Program
In accordance with Article 2, to promote the breeding, exhibition and improvement of the Indian Fantail, an Awards Program has been developed and should be sustained. The intent is to recognize those members working towards Master Breeder, Master Judge, Outstanding Contribution, etc., and to recognize outstanding birds.
- The President will appoint the Award Chairperson; the Chairperson will select a committee; if needed, The Chairperson will maintain a necessary database to record points, advancement, recognitions and other processes necessary to maintain a viable recognition program.
- The Award Chairperson must necessarily work closely with the Newsletter Editor and Publicity Director. Additions to or changes to the Awards Program will be submitted to the membership for vote and be decided by a simple majority.
Article 14: Gatherings and Meetings
While the IFCA encourages meetings, discussions and debate, in conjunction with or during sanctioned meets, particularly National Shows, suggested actions, changes or additions to any club matter, promoted at such meetings by any individual or all attending members, serve only as recommendations to the IFCA Board of Directors and are not binding upon the club until such time as appropriately processed and voted upon as described herein. The highest-ranking IFCA member in attendance shall conduct the meeting.
Article 15: Affiliation
The IFCA will maintain an affiliated club membership status with the National Pigeon Association (NPA) in order to support their efforts in protecting and promoting the growth and competition of raising pigeons.
Article 16: Issues Not Covered
Any and all concerns not covered herein, be they new to the club, issues of warning, probation or even dismissal from the IFCA, or matters of unclear, debatable nature, will be appropriately adjudicated by the President, who will inform or involve the Board of Directors, depending upon the simplicity or severity of the issue at hand.